Workshops  2024 

Niagara Lilac Gardens May 19-20, 2024  

Niagara Falls, Canada June 11-12, 2024 

Maine 5 day workshop July 15-19, 2024

Maine 2 day art workshop July 15-16, 2024

Niagara Falls, Canada, August 14-15, 2024 

Niagara on the Lake, Canada Watercolor  
Sept 11 -12, 2024

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Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Actually make that mirror, mirror in my head.....

About a decade ago, scientists discovered a type of neuron which previously had not even been imagined. These neurons are "what some consider both one of the greatest drivers of human progress and one of the prime discoveries in recent neuroscience: mirror neurons. These are neurons in key parts of our brain – the premotor cortex, centers for language, empathy, pain – that fire not only as we perform a certain action but when we watch someone else perform that action. The discovery of this mechanism, made about a decade ago, suggests that everything we watch someone else do, we do as well, on a mental scale." (David Dobbs, Scientific American Mind, June 2006).

 I have learned the "see one, do one, teach one" method. Attending a workshop such as the one we will have on Monhegan Island will give you the opportunity to explore and strengthen your skills through the marriage of painting and visualization.

Mirror neurons help us learn by integrating new information through observation, a key part of what Jacq provides through her demonstrations. 

Visualization most likely also engages the mirror neurons, thus enhancing the incorporation of new approaches to our painting while also encouraging creatively developing your own style. 

And, everyday you will have the opportunity to "do" by painting at gorgeous sites all around Monhegan. 

Lastly, by being part of a community of painters, you can "learn" by seeing how everyone's style is unique to that individual; thus, encouraging the further development of your own style.

If you want to jump-start your creativity, join us on magical Monhegan in July

 Reflection on painting detail...

A mirror can reflect everything in great detail, but is not a work of art any more than a dictionary,is a great literary piece... ©2012 - 2023 J R Baldini, IPAP
All workshops are instruction only. Travel, accommodations and supplies are the responsibility of 
each individual.


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